Saturday, November 08, 2008

Gerard Kennedy Should Run For Liberal Leader

Every single day that Canadians worry about how they'll be able to send their kids to university, or even put food on their table, is another day Canadians need change. Real change.

Canadians have settled for good enough instead of demanding better for too long. Canadians have elected a party that has weakened the economy, abandoned equality, cheapened our international reputation and has done away with the very Canadian spirit of leading where others choose to follow. This government was not elected because it was the best, but because Canadians were not inspired to become what all they can be. That Canadians instead voted for what was, and not what they could accomplish.

The Liberal Party is not what it once was. It is no longer the beacon of hope and spirit that motivated a country to become the nation of potential, the nation of leaders, where nothing was impossible, where nothing stopped us from doing what was right. Liberals across Canada have lost what we once had, what we were once proud of, our purpose. Our purpose to change Canada, not into some idealistic utopia, but into the very best this world has to offer, and then more.

And though the Party is different it is not the Party that needs to be fixed, each Liberal must realize that change begins with them. That each one of us has the future of our Party and of our nation in our hands, and it is us who must act. It is us who must lead our Party and Canada and not seek what is good, but what is better, not what can be done, but what must be done to change the world.

Run Gerard Kennedy. Run for Liberal Leader. I believe in you.

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